Oscar Scherer State Park
1843 S Tamiami Trail
Osprey FLorida 34229

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Events at Oscar Scherer State Park

Each year the park hosts a number of public participation events.
Some are national events, mandated by the Department of Environmental Protection – DEP, and free to the public, some are organized by OSSP staff, some by the FOSP, and some by a collaboration of the park, the friends and other third party groups.

Please click this link to view our latest EVENTS AND PROGRAMS brochure.

Earth Day and National Public Lands Day are DEP mandated events offering free park access to the public. The FOSP participate at these events by assisting with the organization, and providing volunteers to supplement OSSP staff.

Literacy Under The Trees is our way of celebrating International Literacy Day; an international observance, declared by UNESCO on 26 October 1966, to be celebrated each year on 8 September.

First Day Hike and Scavenger Hunt Hidden among six of our trails are hidden signs for you to find. Hike the trails, find the signs, take a photo with all and get a prize from the Nature Center! Information available the morning of from the Ranger Station or the Nature Center as to which trails the signs are hidden on. All ages welcome to participate.

Haunted Trails is our signature Halloween event; presented by the Friends in partnership with Nokomis Osprey Chamber of Commerce, and the Nokomis Volunteer Fire Department. The event features a long and dark Scary Trail, ending with a REALLY Haunted House; a Trick or Treat Trail with bags of candy for the kids; plus fun activities for the young, and not so young!

Scrub-jay 5/10K Race is held within park confines, mostly on sand and grass tracks through the park’s scrubby flatlands, although the start and finish are on paved roads and the Legacy Trail.
The race features; Chip Timing, frequent Water Stations and Guides along the course, Nutritious post race Refreshments, free printed Tech-tee Shirts, and awards and door prizes.

Suncoast Orienteering is a great way to learn about map reading, using a compass for direction, and for land navigation. For the inexperienced hiker it’s also a great way to become familiar with the outdoors.
Our courses start at the Legacy Trail Parking Area and include a simple one mile hike, and 2 of two and seven miles in length – for the more experienced and adventurous!
Maps will be supplied, and compasses and electronic timing stick are available for rent at $3 each.
For more information, please visit: floridaorienteering.org, send us an email or call 941.756.5426