Oscar Scherer State Park
1843 S Tamiami Trail
Osprey FLorida 34229

123 movies


PARK UPDATE -30th March 2023

Red Trail – PARTLY CLOSED due to nesting Eagles
All other Trails – OPEN
Campground – OPEN
Nature Center – OPEN Monday to Sunday – 10am to 2pm
Canoe and kayak rentals – CLOSED
Please continue to visit this website as we will post updates as they are available.

Thank you,
Matt Kruse – Park Manager

Friends of Oscar Scherer Park

About Us

The FOSP is a 501c3 non-profit organization; officially designated a CSO – Citizen Support Organization – by the Department of Environmental Protection. We operate under usual non-profit guidelines but have DEP oversight, due to our affiliation to a state park.

Our purpose is to raise funds from events and appropriate grants that can be used by Oscar Scherer State Park for projects and equipment purchases. Basically the “Friends” make up the shortfall in state funding and also plan more ambitious projects that we consider beneficial to the park.

Click HERE for the latest FOSP UPDATE NewLetter

Campsite Reservations

All Oscar Scherer State Park Campsite Reservations are now handled by Florida State Park.
You can reserve ONLINE, or by calling toll free 1-800-326-3521 or TDD 888-433-0287 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern time.