Events at Oscar Scherer State Park
25th annual Scrub-jay 5 & Scramble 10K
January 25th 2025
Click here to download your personal information and registration form.
OR click here to register on line.
Registration includes park entrance fee with your bib tear off if running in the park.
Since its inception in 2000 the OSSP Scrub-jay Race has gone from strength to strength, with an ever-increasing number of participants each year. From little ones in strollers – hopefully runners of the future, through the young and middle years, to more mature folks!
And all with different ability and targets; some enjoy a leisurely stroll, others a brisk walk, but the majority – the dedicated – take the OSSP Scrub-jay Race very seriously.
The Scrub Jay 5K and Scramble 10K are held within the confines of the park.
The Scrub Jay 5K is a course designed for the road-runners, it begins on, and travels the length of, the main entrance road then onto mostly prepared surface park trails including crushed shell and paver paths then onto earthen trails for the last 3/4 mile with only a very small sandy area.
The Scrub Jay Scramble 10K is a new course on the trails, sugar-sand included, with some ups and downs using recently created pedestrian underpasses and overpasses. Designed by trail runners using the parks’ features to challenge even experienced trail runners.