Oscar Scherer State Park
1843 S Tamiami Trail
Osprey FLorida 34229

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Programs at Oscar Scherer State Park

Throughout the year, during daylight and evening hours, there is always something to do at Oscar Scherer. Some programs are organized by OSSP staff, some by the FOSP, and some by a collaboration of the park, the friends and other third party groups.

  • Programs are free for registered campers and day visitors with park entrance fee
  • Please click this link to view our latest EVENTS AND PROGRAMS brochure.
  • Many programs take place in specific areas of the park or in and around the Nature Center. In the case of inclement weather some programs maybe moved into the Nature Center, be warned space is then limited!
  • Please remember that while the park is pet friendly, dogs are not allowed inside the Nature Center

Audubon Society Guided Bird Walk
December to March
Every Thursday 8:30am – 10:00am
Meet at the Nature Center
Free for registered campers or with park entrance fee

  • Sarasota & Venice Area Audubon Society knowledgeable volunteers will be providing guided bird walks along some of the park trails.
  • You will have the opportunity to see and hear some of the birds that pass through Oscar Scherer or live here as permanent residents.
  • Learn what the park does to help support the resources for these birds and other wildlife.
  • Supportive footwear, water, bug spray, sunscreen, hats, camera & binoculars are recommended. Pets are not allowed on these guided walks.

Critter Crafts for kids
Learn about the plants and animals at Oscar Scherer by making critter crafts. Materials are provided. Year-round • Saturdays 10:00am to 11:00am • Nature Center.
Free for registered campers or with park entrance fee

Junior Ranger Program
Learn what it takes to become a Junior Ranger and work on your Junior Ranger CORE or passport activities!
December to March
Saturdays 9am to 11am
Meet at the Nature Center
Free for registered campers or with park entrance fee

Eagle Viewing
Join the weekly eagle watch and see how our pair of nesting bald eagles is doing. High-powered scope and trail maps are provided. Comfortable shoes, camera and binoculars are suggested.
Group meets where the Green Trail meets the campground between sites 62 and 63
December to March • Sundays • 9:00am to 11:00am • Green Trail
Free for registered campers or with park entrance fee

Co-Ed Low Impact Exercise Class
Put on your comfortable shoes and wake up with a morning ‘Standing’ exercise session! Handicap accessible.
December to March • Monday and Wednesday  • 9:00am to 9:45am
Meet at Nature Center Screen Room
Free for registered campers or with park entrance fee

Coffee Social
Wake up with tea or coffee, and meet your fellow campers.
December to March • Tuesday • 8:30am to 9:00am • Nature Center
Free for registered campers or with park entrance fee, but donations appreciated

Tram Tours
Take a tour around the park and learn about the plants, animals and park history, starting at the Nature Center.
December to March • Every Saturday 1:30pm
$5, Children under 5 free
Camping or park entrance fee required

Ranger’s Choice Guided Hike
Explore the park with a ranger, on a trail and topic of their choice.
December to March • Friday • 8:30am to 9:30am • Meet outside Nature Center
Free with camping or park entrance fee