Events at Oscar Scherer State Park
Haunted Trails – 11th annual
Haunted Trails is our signature Halloween event; presented by the Friends of Oscar Scherer in partnership with Nokomis Osprey Chamber of Commerce, and the Nokomis Volunteer Fire Department.
For many months the Haunted Trails partners get together once a month, and every week as the event draws closer, to make plans and check their lists to guarantee that the event runs like clockwork.
Detailed strategies for each of the Scary Trail stations are carefully scrutinized to ensure that all elements are ready and available. Mechanics are lubricated to ensure they are in perfect working order. Goo, gunk, yards of fabric and netting, and the other “scary” construction material are in abundance.
Plans for the infamous Haunted House are checked and rechecked to the smallest detail. Shutter, trapdoors, lights, and sounds must all work precisely and perfectly, nothing must detract from the instantaneous impact of fright!
Each table on the Trick or Treat Trail is assigned to individual vendors who are responsible for their own design and theme. Organizers examine each idea to avoid duplication thus maximizing the fun element for smaller guests.
Candy and bottled water by the truckload is ordered for JIT delivery, food vendors are carefully selected; entertainers are briefed and positioned in strategic areas to augment the overall event success.
Ticketing staff, route controllers and parking attendants must all know their precise function and be drilled to perfection to ensure that guests reach the activity areas in a swift and efficient manner.
Then, for those two special days in October, the park closes early to allow staff, volunteers and helpers to put the final touches to the trail exhibits and attractions.