Oscar Scherer State Park
1843 S Tamiami Trail
Osprey FLorida 34229

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Friends of Oscar Scherer Park

FOSP Membership

We invite you to become a Friend and help us support the wonderful natural resource of Oscar Scherer State Park, to maintain and improve the habitat for the Florida Scrub-jay, preserve native species, and provide a natural environment of learning and pleasure for families, school children, groups, and naturalists.

Annual Membership is only $25.00 per family, or a small investment of $200.00 for associations or corporations; membership includes the following benefits:

  • Member exclusive deals, and advance opportunities and discounts for upcoming events and programming.
  • Receipt of regular ‘FOSP Update’ electronic news bulletins; including event and program timetables, and news from around the park.
  • Family Members will also receive twelve free park entries – a $60 total value.
  • Organization Members can take advantage of four guided Tram Tours of Oscar Scherer State Park; with seasonally adjusted commentary on the park’s habitats and ecosystems. Four tours for up to 25 guests each, with no entry fee – a $500 total value.

Annual membership is only $25.00 for a family, $20.00 for an Individual, and $15.00 for a Student, or $200.00 for an Organization.

Click HERE to download the FOSP Membership application.
Please make your check payable to The Friends of Oscar Scherer Park Inc and send to:
1843 S Tamiami Trail, Osprey FLorida 34229, or hand in at the OSSP Ranger Station.

Or, for your convenience, you can become a member online by completing the information below:


FOSP Membership

Your membership fee helps us to:

  • Publish maps, fact sheets, trail guides, and newsletters to help visitors experience the park more fully.
  • Organize bird walks and nature strolls to provide a deeper understanding of the park’s natural systems.
  • Present nature and outreach programs, and musical events for the general public.
  • Maintain and improve the hiking trails, and horticultural exhibits
  • Provide amenities that are beyond the park’s budget.

Join now and make Oscar Scherer State Park “your park.”